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Food Drives

The Food Pantry is supported by Woodford County citizens through the following major food drives:
(If your organization would like to host a food drive, CONTACT the Food Pantry for more information)


May 10th- Postal Food Drive
September 20th- Food Pantry Food drive for Action against Hunger
October 27th- Girl Scouts  “Scare Away Hunger”
November15th- Boy Scouts Troop 42


*The Woodford Food Pantry will not align with any political party and will remain neutral on any political issues.
Agility Gym
Bluegrass Community Hospital
Churches of Woodford County
Con Agra
Cram the Cruiser ( Police)
Cub Scout Troop #32
Farm Bureau
Frontier Nursing University
Godolphin Farms
Gray Construction
Hunters for the Hungry
Huntertown Elementary
John Coyle Memorial Food Drive
Journey Provisions
Kiwanis & Troop 43
Kroger #774
KY Bank
Northside Elementary
NSG Pilkington
Postal Letter Carriers Food Drive
Save A Lot
Scare Away Hunger (Girl Scouts)
Southside Elementary School
Woodford County Detention Center
Woodford County High School
Woodford County Middle School
Woodford County Woman’s Club
Woodford Family Chiropractic


Fidelity Charitable
Raymond James Foundation

Perishable Donations


Little Caesars Pizza

Thornton’s Market

Starbuck (Planned)

General Dollar Stores (Planned)


How to Donate

Monetary Donations

Monetary donations may be made Payable to: Food Pantry for Woodford County, Inc. and mail to PO Box 1066, Versailles, KY 40383

Donations may be made through your local Woodford County church.

Donations may be made through this website and through the established platform of P N C Bank.

Donations may be made through the “Good Giving Challenge through the Bluegrass Community Foundation.

Donations may also be made to United Way of the Bluegrass.  Food Pantry for Woodford County applies for annual grants from United Way.

Food Donations

Food Donations may be placed in the provided barrels at Kroger and Save A Lot

Food donations may be made through any local food drive

Garden surplus is always welcome

Fresh laid eggs are also welcome

Food donations may be brought to the pantry and placed in our drop box

Food donations may also be delivered to our site during any operation day which is Monday 5 – 7pm, Thursday 1 – 4pm, all day on the first Tuesday of any month from 9 am – 3 pm.  Every Tuesday is a re-stocking day and donations may be delivered to the pantry between the hours of 9am to


Anyone interested in volunteering with Food Pantry for Woodford County may contact Executive Director, Sharon Hardin at 859-421-1217 or by email slhardin1003@gmail.com to find out what the pantry needs and how you can help.

Volunteers should be able to lift at least ten pounds.

20 Field of Dreams Rd
Versailles, KY 40383

Mailing Address:

PO Box 1066
Versailles, KY 40383

(859) 682-9989


Hours of Operation

Monday: 4.45pm – 7.00pm
Thursday: 12.45pm – 4.00pm

First Tuesday each month for Senior Commodity
Food Boxes 11 a.m. - 2 p.m.